Physically healthy body is very essential for the complete well being of a child.
KG.I to Std.X have been assigned a PT class once a week Every child should take part in one or more programmes.
Physical Education ( Compulsory )
Yoga, Karate, School band etc (Optional ) Yoga and Karate classes are held for the students of Std. II to Std.VII. A period a week is assigned for the class. Such activities are very beneficial for the mental health of the children.
Classes up to Std. V have specially allotted games periods to play and remain physically fit. The school also conducts Annual Sports and Athlethic Meet in the month of November/December. Various Track and Field events form a part of this gala event. Students are categorized into four groups namely Sub-Junior, Junior, Sub- Senior and Senior groups and the events are held as per the groups.
The Championship Trophies are also given to the Best Sportsperson- the one who wins the maximum points/medals in his/her respective category