• The result declared at the end of the year is final and will not be altered. There will be two terminal examinations in August and December and the final examination will be conducted in March or as decided. Annual Examination will cover all the portions taught. Apart from these, students will have regular class test in all the subjects on the basis of which the progress of the child will be assessed and it will be taken into consideration while deciding the promotion of the student. For promotion the students must get 40% marks in all the subjects.
• No arrangement will be made for holding special examination for absentees before or after the time fixed for examination even on medical ground. If the absence is justified the students will be assessed for promotion by giving weightage to performance in other examination during the session.
• Use of unfair means will lead to dismissal of the students from the school or detention in the same class as the Principal may deem fit.
• A student who fails twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue his/her studies in the school.
• Those who fail in any subject will not be ranked. Those who fail in English will not be promoted.
• Answer sheets of the Annual examination will not be shown to the students or guardians under any circumstances.
• For promotion the ward should have 75% attendance in the academic year