The day’s programme started with the prayer by the school choir “ Majesty,Thy Name is Wonderful”  which was followed by an opening prayer by Rev.Anix Johnson, Principal, St.Thomas School, Hardag. The introductory speech was given by Mrs.Monika Sood. This was followed by a Welcome Speech by Rev.Dr.M.O.Oommen.Jr. Principal, St.Thomas School, Dhurwa who not only welcomed our Honourable Chief Guest Dr.Shreya Bhattacharji , Professor Dept of English Studies and Dean, School of Languages, Central University ,Jharkhand but also the Guest of Honour  Dr.Amitabha Bhattacharya, Associate Professor of Physics,Sikkim University. The parents, teachers and all the awardees were also accorded a warm welcome.

The ceremonial lamp was lighted by the dignitaries. A melodious Sanskrit Vandana was sung by the pupils of classes 8 to 10. “Dance of Delight” was presented by girls from class 6 to 9. The theme song “I Have a Dream” was sung by pupils of classes 7 to 10 which was indeed melodious.

The Chief Guest delivered an inspiring and thoughtful speech. Both the Chief Guest and Guest of Honour were felicitated by our Honourable Vice Principal Mrs. Susan Oommen.

It was now time for the Prize Distribution. The selected ICSE 2024 pupils were first awarded with certificates, trophies and cash prizes. All the rank holders from Classes 3 to 9 (2023-2024) and various other endowment prizes for the pupils from K.G 1 to class 9 were also distributed.

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