St. Thomas School
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We the members of St. Thomas School, Hardag feel privileged to welcome you all to browse the website of our school located at Hardag, Khunti Road. We started our journey in 2016, with the belief that each child is a ‘child of God’. Our aim is to educate children from different communities without discrimination of caste and creed. The school stands for academic excellence, development of skills and character formation. The main aim of our school is to bring about the total development of the child as a person. We change a students’ physical, spiritual, moral, academic, intellectual, cultural, mental and social growth.

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World Indigenous Day
St. Thomas School Hardag celebrated World indigenous day on August 9th 2024 to promote awareness and appreciation for the indigenous cultures. The students of class
Nature Conservation Day
Nature Conservation Day is observed every year on July 28th, the same was observed in St Thomas School, Hardag on the 29th of July, with
International Yoga Day
International Yoga Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm at our St Thomas School Hardag, on June 21, 2024. The event aimed to promote the benefits
The teaching method comprises the principles and methods used by teachers to enable pupils’ learning.
Commonly used teaching methods include classroom participation, demonstration, presentation, recitation, memorization, audio-visual aids, smart class or a combination of these. In this context of education, good explanation in teaching is essential for unpacking pupils’ understanding of the subject. The most common type of collaborative method of teaching in class is classroom discussion in which every pupil is given an equal opportunity to interact and put forth views.The school boasts a highly committed and qualified faculty, they disseminate and impart basic or applied knowledge to pupils and make learning a pleasurable experience. They realise the potential of each child. The teachers’ constantly upgrade their skills through training programs, workshops and orientation sessions.
- The result declared at the end of the year is final and will not be altered. There will be two terminal exams in July and October and the final exam will be conducted in February.
- Annual exam will cover all the portions taught. Apart from these, pupils will have regular class tests in all subjects on the basis of which the child will be assessed and will be taken into consideration while deciding then promotion. The pupils must get more than 40% marks in all subjects.
- No arrangements will be made for holding special examination for absentees before or after the time fixed for examination even on medical ground. If the absence is justified then the students will be assessed for promotion by giving weight age to performance in other exams during that session.
- Use of unfair means will lead to dismissal of the pupils from the school or detention in the same class as the principal may deem it.
A pupil who fails twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue his/her studies in the school.
Those who fail in any subject will not be ranked. Those who fail in English will not be promoted.
Answer sheets of the annual examination will not be shown to the students or guardians under any circumstances.
For promotion the ward should have 75% attendance in the academic year.
The academic session for 2024-2025 was from last week of March 2024 to March 2025. In addition to summer vacations there will be short holidays for Easter, Durga Puja and Christmas. Sundays are holidays for the school.
Normal Timing: KG I to STD X-7:40 (arrival time) am to 2:00 am
Summer Timing: KG I to STD X-6:40 (arrival time) am to 12:50pm
Winter Timing: KG I to Std VI: 8:40 am (arrival time) to 2:00 pm
Visiting Hours:
Principal: 9.30 am to 11.00 am (student matters)
Office: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm (Monday to Friday)
Teachers: By prior appointment on working days.
Procedure: The school admits pupils of any race, colour, national and ethnic origin. All the rights, privileges, programmes and activities generally accorded are made available to the students.
Admission policy or guidelines: Admission is open for KG classes only. For rest of the classes, admission will be considered only on the availability of seats. The pupils who want admission in KG I should be 3 ½ years in April. Those who enrol for the first time in KG class will have to produce valid documents to verify date of birth. From class Two onwards Transfer certificate is compulsory and admission is given only on the availability of seats at that point in time. Parents who want to withdraw their ward from the school will produce a written application and fee receipts at the time of applying for transfer certificate.
Online registration: The application form is available online (website). Admission fee will NOT be refunded. On the receipt of duly filled application form, admit card will be issued with the confirmation that the candidate is registered for admission test. The result of the admission test will be declared in the school website.
Boys-Blue check half sleeve shirt with monogram and carbon blue half pant upto Std IV and full pant from Std V onwards. Carbon blue socks, carbon blue tie and belt, black shoes without lace for all.
Girls: Blue check half sleeve shirt with monogram and carbon blue pleated skirt. Carbon blue tie and belt. Blue stocking is mandatory from Std IV onwards. Carbon blue socks and Black shoes (buckle) for all.
Winter uniform:
Boys: Blue check sleeve shirt with monogram and carbon blue full pant. Blue full or half sweater with school logo and blue full cap.
Girls: Blue check half sleeve shirt with monogram and carbon blue pleated skirt. Blue full or half sweater with school logo and blue scarf. Blue/white (on P.T days can be) slacks should be worn.
Blazers are mandatory for the pupils from Std V onwards during winter.
P.T. Uniforms:
The uniform for P.T. will be the particular colour T shirt with half pant, full white pant from Std V onwards for boys, and white pleated skirt for girls. White shoes without lace, White socks with the colour band of the house and white stockings are compulsory for students from Std IV onwards. The pupils should wear PT uniforms for house day and sports day programmes.
Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them in the discipline and instruction of the Lord-Ephesians 6:4
Discipline is the most important thing in everyone’s life. To maintain goals in your life, it is very important to stay disciplined. All pupils are expected to behave properly all times whether they are in the school premises or outside. Our discipline policy is regularly reviewed. Parents are informed and if needed asked to meet with the teacher or the principal. Our aim is to keep you informed so that together we can support your child in improving their behaviour.
Life skill-Every activity in school life plays a significant role in development of a student’s academic life. Co-curricular activities are an essential part of school life and helps in enhancing learning process of students at school. Exhibition is conducted yearly. Pupils are trained in communication, organizing, group work, collaboration. They choose their own projects as per their interests and approval of teachers. Ecological day was also observed where saplings were planted class wise. Other programmes include anti-drug abuse day, Hindi Diwas, children’s day, teacher’s day celebrations. Through all these not only the academic intelligence of the pupils is boosted but also their social and leadership skills.
Training programmes:
Training programmes are organised for staff and pupils to sharpen their communication skills, expression skills and leadership skills.
Activity period:
Activity period gives a pupil an opportunity to develop and bring out the talent within them. This year forward there are many extra-curricular activities designed for the all-round growth of a pupil. Coding and decoding and other activities like Hindi & English hand writing, poem recitation, reciting Sanskrit slokas and other competitions are held through the Inter-house competitions-ABLAZE.
Art and culture:
Exposure to art education promotes self-directed learning and sharpens critical skills. We have two periods in a week. Here the pupil can freely express their imagination in a creative manner.
Physical Education:
As education or academics plays a vital role in our life, similarly physical education helps to improve the overall thinking ability of the students. Different types so sports events are organised in the school. Group and individual games items are held. The winners of each sport are awarded.
Yoga and Karate:
One period in every week is allotted for yoga and karate. Our students have grabbed prizes for various karate competitions organised in our city. We have qualified coaches to train our pupils in track and field events and yoga and karate.
Olympiad examinations:
Olympiad examinations help us to identify a child’s capability and real potential in today’s modern competitive world. This also enhances their reasoning, analytical and problem-solving skills. Our pupils receive certificates and medals in the exam. We proudly declare that one of our pupils from std I B got selected for the National level, SIP competition.
We have professional musicians to train our students.
Trips and tours:
One day picnic is organized for the staff and different types of games and activities are organized.
The school has a well-stocked library. We have number of story books, books related to course book, periodicals, newspaper which is provided to help pupils to cultivate reading habit and be up to date in terms of information nod knowledge.
The school provides transport facilities for the pupils as well as staff. However, seat is provided to the pupils on the basis of seat availability. Currently there are 11 buses plying to school from Kakar, Morabadi, Khunti, 56 Set, Dhurwa bus stand, Latma bazzar, Hatia, Oberia Road, Piska More, Hatia Railway Colony etc.
Our Facilities

Our Other Campuses
St. Thomas School Ranchi, is a premier educational institute established in the year 1973..The school provides value added education to pupil’s from KG 1 to class X in a congenial environment with all the modern infra structure facilities including E-learning.
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It runs a Gramajyothi school at Sakhwa Bagan. The school has classes till class V.
Another school at Kully village provides free education to more than 300 children from nearby villages. The school has classes till class IV.
What Our Teachers & Students Say
I joined school in 1982. I enjoyed serving St.Thomas school as a Mathematics teacher. My service period was 23 years under the guidance of 6 Principals.
Mrs. Mala Sinha
Former Teacher
Knowledge is power. My school gave me foundation for progress in all the aspects of life. All along I cherished the memories of my school life with such loving teachers..
Manish Khatore
82 Batch
We spent our school days yearning to graduate and now being nostalgic about the school days-memories and good times that will last forever. Have faith for a better tomorrow. Dream passionately and live sparkly
89 Batch
Knowing that St. thomas gave us wings to fly and showed us new horizons to soar in I cannot think of a world without it, the bulwark of my childhood days
Dr. Meena T. Pillai
Director ,Centre of Cultural studies, University of kerala
Though my parents had a great re to play in the success of my life, it was St. thomas school that provided us with the unique opportunity to touch the skies-literally.
Gautam Dutta
Engineer from BIT Mesra
I joined St Thomas school on 23rd January 1981 and left on 30th November 1999. I was Hindi teacher and Quiz master of school took two group of students to Bombay. It was a golden period in St. Thomas. Now I have so many student friends on Facebook and doing zoom meetings with great experience of St. Thomas school. I joined as principal of St Xaviers school Bareilly on December 1999.
Mrs Nirmal Kinra
Former Teacher
Everyone seemed to have moved on but somehow were still connected to the foundation which was built in this corner of HEC, once upon a time…Our St Thomas school
Madhavesh Kumar
Regional MD in German Company C&F international